Sydney, LX100M2 |
Almost every camera comes with operating instructions of some kind and most have a section on “How to hold the camera”.
Typically this is depicted as in the photo below which appears in the Instructions for the Lumix LX100M2.
But I have found that a quite different position of the left hand works better for me.
This is because the eyecup on the viewfinder of the LX100M2 (the M1 is the same) is thin, uncomfortable and is not effective at blocking out light from above, below and each side.
If I put my eye close in to the eyecup I find it difficult to see the image preview clearly even when the dioptre is correctly adjusted.
But if I pull my eye back a bit a lot of stray light enters the area making the EVF difficult to see in bright light outdoors.
My solution to this is to hold the camera as shown in the attached photographs.
I make a kind of bionic accessory eyecup using my left index finger curled around the EVF eyepiece.
This is not entirely satisfactory but I find it better than nothing.
I wish Panasonic would make an accessory eyecup for the LX100 models as they do for the GX9.
Portrait orientation. The position of the fingers relative to the camera is slightly different but the principle is the same. |