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Ideal compact cameras (ergonomically) October 2017


LX100. The best compact cameras can make very good photos, easily on par with an ILC.

I recently posted   my thoughts about the ideal camera (ergonomically) as illustrated by my Mockup 6.  This concept includes my ideas about the ideal size, shape and type of camera.

It’s not exactly compact by modern standards however.

But lots of photographers including myself are very attracted to the idea of an advanced compact camera, small in size but not tiny, offering very good picture quality, good holding and viewing characteristics and a well designed set of controls to satisfy an enthusiast/expert user.

Unfortunately out there in that peculiar space which passes for the real world these days, cameras fitting this description are very hard to find.

Over the years since 2004, I have owned and used 21 compacts (not counting bridge type models), from Canon, Nikon, Fujifilm, Panasonic and Sony.

I have not been satisfied with the ergonomics of any of them. It might be said that I am a grumpy old man and inclined to find fault with cameras.

I am indeed sometimes grumpy and always old and I do often find fault with cameras.

But I say the reason for that is the abundance of fault to be found especially with regard to the ergonomics of compacts.

I get especially grumpy about egregious faults which did not need to be there. 

Which are the result of inexplicable design decisions by the makers.

Which could have been completely eliminated by a process of good ergonomic design.

Since I started scoring camera ergonomics several years ago I have found the compacts cluster in the lower range of scores with bridge models and ILCs in the upper range.

I score all cameras on the same criteria.

The difference between them is partly due to size to the extent that it is easier to assemble an effective ergonomic realisation in a mid size model than a very small one.

But the other part of the problem is that designers repeatedly burden their compacts with poor design elements which have not been imposed on them by the size issue at all.

I don’t know why they do this so I have to guess.

Maybe they are trying to make their compacts look as small as possible. That might go some way to explaining the absence of a useful handle and an EVF on several of them.

Maybe they are still operating on the premise that the people using compacts are just the snapshooters who don’t care about a comprehensive suite of controls.

Whatever the reason most compacts are ergonomically compromised little things which are not a joy to use.

Compact subgroups

I find it easier to tackle the ergonomic design issues by dividing compacts into three subgroups by size.

Sony RX100Mk4 with Mockup 10

Smallest size-pocketable

I would never stick a camera into a pocket but some people do so there is a market for such things.

This is the most difficult size ergonomically.

Mockup #10 is shown with the marginally smaller Sony RX100Mk4.

These tiny little things are really too small for a proper handle but mockup 10 has some innovations which would make it easier and more streamlined to use than the Sony.

The mockup has a built in mini handle which allows for a reasonably decent grip.

There is a good sized thumb support for stability.

There is a top dial in the classic location, behind the shutter button where it is easy to reach with the right index finger without having to change grip.

Behind and just below is the thumb stick (a.k.a. Joystick). This allows for instant repositioning of the active AF area without having to change grip. It is also mode dependent so it is used for scrolling through menus and playback images.

The mode dial is top right.

All the buttons are large for easy location and operation without having to look at them.

The lens housing is as large as it can be in this sized body.

This mockup could accommodate a “one inch” sensor with 3x zoom or the smaller 7.67mm sensor with a longer zoom.

LX100 with mockup 14

Mid sized- for a small  belt pouch

Mockup #14 is shown with the Panasonic LX100. They are the same width and height but the LX100 is a bit deeper to accommodate the lens which needs to accommodate the image circle of 19.2mm which is larger than the 15.9mm of the “one inch” sensors.

The modest increase in size makes possible a completely different and much more effective ergonomic design.

There is an anatomical inverted L shaped handle which permits a comfortable four finger grip with the right hand. The handle brings the shutter button forward to a more natural position with front control dial in classical position just behind and at the same level as the shutter button.

A  button with user assigned function sits just to the right.

This is a mode Dial+full twin dial model.

The rear dial sits just above the substantial thumb support for easy reach by the right thumb without disrupting grip.

The thumb stick for changing AF area position lies in easy reach just to the left of the right thumb.

The function of the lens ring is user assignable.

This is a very comfortable camera which provides a high level of controllability for the expert/enthusiast user.

It would work best with a ‘one inch” sensor which would permit a 5-6x zoom of wide aperture.

I believe that any camera maker who produced a model to this specification would have a category killer on their hands if they got all the details right.

I am in fact surprised and disappointed that none of  the numerous “one inch” sensor compacts on the market at the moment utilises this shape and layout.

Mockup 15

Large size (for a compact) –for a small over the shoulder bag or a medium sized belt pouch.
Mockup #15 is the same size (to within a millimetre or two) as the recently released Canon G1XMk3 but is a completely different shape.

The G1XMk3 has an APS-C sensor with a diagonal of 27mm but I think this is a sensor size too large if a wide aperture lens is desired, which is the certainly the case for good low light capability.

This sized camera would work perfectly with the “four thirds” sensor which has a diagonal of 21.6mm.  The latest Four Thirds sensors have the same DXO Mark score as the Canon one anyway.

Mockup #15 is a “full house’ model with an anatomical inverted L handle tall enough for a full five finger grip by an adult make hand, shutter button forward, front dial in the ergonomically optimal position just behind the shutter button.

It is a full twin dial model with mode dial. The rear dial is easily operated by the thumb without changing grip.

The thumb stick for moving the active AF area is perfectly located just to the right of the thumb.

There is a full sized fully articulated monitor and full sized EVF.

The lens housing is large enough to accommodate an optic of wide aperture and a decently long zoom range, I guess about 24-120mm f2.0-2.8, with multi inner barrel design.

Now that is a camera I would like to see.

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