Channel: Camera Ergonomics
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User interviews Mister Hassy


Honeyeater shot with a cheep and cheerful Panasonic TZ80.

Hassy: Hi User, I’m marketing director for the Dystopia Region, responsible for the amazing new mirorless  Exxy Wun-D-erkamra.

User: Have you taken any pictures with the new camera ?

Hassy:   Er…..well……Not as such……… You know I just market these things I don’t necessarily use them.
It’s a fantastic camera though. The entire first year’s production is already pre-ordered presumably by a bunch of wealthy dopes, no  don’t report that, say “discerning users of taste and refinement” who are silly enough to buy something because it’s really expensive and it looks nice, no don’t say that, say “recognise the value of a premium product”.

User: Has anybody at Hassy Mission Central actually used one of these things to take pictures ?

Hassy: Er… well…. The camera is actually not quite finished. I’m not sure if it’s  ready to take pictures yet.

User: Why are you taking pre-orders then ?

Hassy: We want to know how many mugs will pay real money for this thing sight unseen so we know how many to make, no don’t say that, say “pre-delivery marketing enhances product development”. That means we hope the thing works when we actually get around to delivering it.

User: I have been wondering one thing….How do you move the position of the AF area ?

Hassy: Can you move it around ?   Really ?  Great  idea….That would be a question for the technical people, I think.

User: I’m asking you.

Hassy: Well, there might be something about that on my prompt sheet here……..oh yes, here we are…..It says…..
“You will press the AF/MF button and an AF point display will appear on the screen and then you can select the point you want to use”.

User: I can’t see any button labelled AF/MF.

Hassy: Ah… yes …right….. well some button, maybe that one labelled AF-D.

User: How can you select the AF point on the screen while looking through the EVF ?

Hassy:  What’s an EVF ?

User: That little window above the monitor screen.

Hassy: Why would you want to look in there ?

User: To preview the subject

Hassy: You can do that ?

User: I hope so.

Hassy: Well we have gone all out for touch screen operation on this  model, we don’t want to be left behind by the smartyphone mob you know.

User: I think they left you behind about ten years ago but you still haven’t answered my question:
How can I move the AF point while looking through the viewfinder ?

Hassy:  Beats me. You are the user, you figure it out. I just sell these things.

User: Have you any plans to fit a JOG lever ?   There is plenty of space for one.

Hassy: What’s a JOG lever ? I don’t know about that but I don’t think so.

User: What about Touch Pad AF like they have on Pana- cameras ?

Hassy:  Gosh  you ask a lot of difficult questions, what’s Touch Pad AF anyway?

User: Oh well…. Maybe it’s best you don’t go there. It irritates the heck out of lots of users of those Pana- cameras which have that feature.

Hassy: Right, yes, well if  Pana-cameras have it I’m sure it will be irritating but if we put that feature on the Wun-D-erkamra it will be a major ergonomic breakthrough.

User: Thank you for your time mister Hassy.

Hassy: No problem. Are you planning to buy the new camera ?

User:  Not as such. Not until you totally redesign the user interface so the camera can be operated efficiently while looking through the viewfinder. Remember, that little window above the screen ?

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