Channel: Camera Ergonomics
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FZ1000 Does Fun Run




A recent district fun run  proved a good opportunity to test the FZ1000's sport/action capability.  Recent rains cleared for the day to the delight of all.
In the event the FZ1000 proved very capable and a pleasure to use.
Quality:  JPG Fine. I did not have i-Dynamic set but will do so for any similar event in future  to keep highlights in check.
Image size: 20Mpx
Mode Dial S, shutter speed 1/1000sec.
Auto ISO
Burst Mode M, 7fps.
Focus Mode AFC
Focus/Release Priority, Set to Focus. Custom Menu page 3/8.
Autofocus Mode 1 Area, usually at size 5/15 (from the smallest), mostly in the top part of the frame on the centerline.
Viewing, EVF
I shot in bursts of about 1 second, giving 6-8 shots per burst with a chance for the camera to write to the card between bursts.
I did not zoom while capturing as the camera will not focus and zoom simultaneously. I alternated as in  zoom > burst > zoom > burst  etc.
Tonal fidelity   With JPG captures, the FZ1000 has a moderate tendency to clip (overexpose) bright highlights like the white T shirts in sunlight seen here. I pulled some tonality back by running these JPGs through Photoshop Camera Raw. In future I will set i-Dynamic and will use Zebras to apply some negative exposure compensation if required.
Autofocus speed   I found the AF to be remarkably fast.  In several frames there was no front runner under the AF box, just a back runner or the background trees or whatever.
 In several sequences the sharp part of the photo alternated between a foreground runner and the background or a rear positioned runner from one frame to the next at 7 fps.  That's fast.
Autofocus accuracy  I made 514 frames and viewed each at 100% on screen.
I rated 88% as sharp, meaning that part of the subject under the AF box was sharp.   I rated about 1/3 of those pictures as very sharp to the extent I could count eyelashes on the in focus runner.
10% were "just out" of focus, good enough for a small print or email attachment.
2% were obviously out of focus.
User Experience  The camera is very easy to carry and operate for several hours at a time. I just have a wrist strap, no neck strap. The controls are easy to operate and efficient. The EVF is of excellent quality, making for a natural view of the subject. Key camera data are easily seen beneath the EVF  live view image. I use "viewfinder" style for both the EVF and monitor.

Immediately after photographing the runners I made some pictures of flowers by the wayside. The camera is very versatile enabling the user to switch quickly from one style of photography to a completely different one  in seconds, without the need to change lenses, ever.




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